Monday, April 28, 2014

The Canonization of JPII

Monday, April 28, 2014


When I look at Pope Saint John Paul II I am overcome by how the entire world was pulled in by him and his passion for Christ. Lord, I really want to reach all different people who walk on all corners of the world in a way not unlike JPII. I don't want only upper middle class white girls to relate to me (or rather, not only them!).  Moreover, I haven't ever exactly conceived of myself as fitting into some social mold. I have always "felt an outsider" (to quote a hilariously-translated title of a letter to Traces) among the different circles with whom I have walked. Is that what it is like to carry You faithfully? Lord, let this paradox become my certainty: that if it be your will, people of all upbringings, backgrounds, languages, faiths, and passions may see me as a beacon of hope, light, real beauty, and love in the world. Answer my prayers in the way you know best and, through your mercy on my fragile humanity, give me human relationships that help me understand my prayers. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Your Divine Curiosity and Sensitivity

Thursday April 24, 2014

Dear lord,
Help me get outside of my head. Open my eyes. Infuse in me a natural curiosity and true passion for the things that I encounter.  Make me want to always learn more and know enough to share and educate others about the most true way of looking at things in our world. 

Help me to be passionate about the hearts of others; carve in me a natural sensitivity that perceives another's feelings, stress, thoughts, and how they are doing. Give me your sensitivity and pulse on the human people in front of me. I just want real human friendships.  Amen. 

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, 1599: Detail of The Calling of St. Matthew.  San Luigi dei Francesci, Roma, Italia.  Photo courtesy of

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday, April 20, 2014
6:16 pm

Thanks Jesus for sacrificing yourself for me today! Also, happy birthday anniversary to mommy! Thanks to both of you for showing me these beautiful trees along my run this afternoon.